I am running to raise money for blood cancer research, and most of all, to help prevent cancer from taking more lives.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 32-New Year's Day 2010

I hope that everyone had a great New Year's Eve. I spent my New Year's Eve hanging out with my family at home playing board games-I can't say it was a rocking party but I enjoyed spending it with my family. It is only fitting that I mention that with the beginning of a new year comes resolutions: to lose weight, to stop smoking, to start eating more nutritiously, to become more financially sound. The list of resolutions seems to be endless these days and the solutions to help you achieve those resolutions is as well. I was reading an article in today's paper that talked about a resolution of kindness and here is an excerpt from the article.

“What's the nicest thing that you did for someone else in 2009?

We can't wait another moment to make someone's life more meaningful, to relieve another person's burden, to bring a little joy into someone's day. And then there are the more demanding acts that become defining moments for us in our relationship to others. When are we truly self-sacrificing? When can we give of ourselves without a reward or an expectation of reciprocity? What is kindness anyway?

Psalms tells us something important about kindness. The world is built on it. The world depends on it. Each of us depends on it. Like bricks and mortar, like the steel undergirding of a building, like the skeleton of a human being, it is kindness that provides the scaffolding for a life of purpose. Kindness is not an impulse. It's a regular discipline that expresses itself as compassion, consideration, sympathy and caring.

Commit yourself to daily acts of kindness directed to others. Maybe it won’t be so hard to answer what the nicest thing that you did for someone was in 2010. And maybe, in thinking hard about an inventory of kindness this year, you'll also remember the nicest thing that someone did for you. Kindness: Pass it on.”

I thought the article addressed something differently about resolutions than what I have been hearing or seeing and that is that kindness expresses itself as compassion, consideration, sympathy and caring. Kindness: Pass it on.

Food for thought:All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others. ~Danny Thomas

A special thank you to Aunt Marcy for her donation-your momma's spirit will be with me as I run in April.

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