I am running to raise money for blood cancer research, and most of all, to help prevent cancer from taking more lives.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 120 Monday March 29th Feeling Good & Eating Good

Howdy Howdy Family and Friends. My apology for not updating my blog sooner life has taken a hold of things lately. Where to begin? Well, I did 10 miles last weekend and felt really good afterwards. I was able to run most of the trek with a few walk breaks in between for comfort. I must say that it felt good to get back into the swing of things. The coaches were very encouraging even to the point to make sure we were taking our necessary water breaks and such. We were fortunate to have two coaches on bikes Coaches Jim and Joe from the Virginia Team of TNT. They are two funny characters both with good senses of humor and can make light of any situation.

I would be remised if I didn’t mention that Coaches Shannon and Alex of the Maryland Team are just as fabulous. Coaches Shannon and Alex are very generous with their time and energy. One weekend they took our entire Maryland Team out for pizza. Now pizza may not sound like too much but with a crowd of folks who are training for an endurance event: we like to eat (and eat a lot). This intense training requires calories and I am not going to deny myself or my body of the calories it needs to survive and do well. So to the doughnut holes, bananas, gummie bears and Clif Bars watch out because you are too yummy to pass up (and of course good ole carrot cake).
Thank you to Coaches Shannon and Alex for being amazing encouragers in times of weakness (when I want to give up) or times of grief (when its snowing/raining outside). If you are looking for a program to get you up off the couch and into shape and for a great cause, join Team In Training. You will make amazing friends, firm up your tush in a few short months and help support the mission of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Go TEAM!

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