I am running to raise money for blood cancer research, and most of all, to help prevent cancer from taking more lives.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Updating on Life's Happenings

I know I am a slacker but here's to hoping to catch you up:

Big News: I moved to Maryland-no I am not crazy but wanted something new and different. Here's to changes.

Visited home back in July and saw the crazy cutie pootie neice Jayden Lynn. She is getting so big and so talkative. I do love her little lady bug helmet-Aunt B's are the awesomiest!

While at home, I got to visit with my family and of course my dear ole buddy Amber. We volunteered for the Peachtree Road Race (60,000 runners run this thing every Fourth of July) and we passed out t-shirts. It was glorious fun. I think we are type to become old lady friends even if we only see each other once or twice a year. We still enjoy each other's company. PS we are trying to plan another road trip in the near future-here's to more camping.

I went to a wedding the Mister in July for a friend of his and had a lot of fun. We even had some Rita's Ice afterward which was awesome and visited downtown Baltimore the next day.

Had a Doughnut Sale at a Metro with these fine people. I call them Team Graves. They are training to do the Marine Corp Full Marathon in October. These people are machines and I am so proud of them.

I survived an EARTHQUAKE and HURRICANE in one week. I know amazing right but no joke. The earthquake scared me more than the Hurricane because I didn't know it was coming. Needless to say, men don't get in the way of a lady wearing 3 inch heels in a dress screaming "Get out of the way!" Don't ask questions just turn around and RUN.

I went to my first fair up in Maryland. I saw the ultimate Hogway Speedway action. I saw some pot belly piggies race, duckies race and billy goats race. The grand prize was cheese puffs. You would have thought you put down a filet mignon. They were after those cheese puffs like white on rice-I mean it.

Ohh I also went to my first SHABBOT service-no Nana I am not converting rather learning more about Judaism. It was quite different but also similar to my church service. The people were really friendly. We will have to see about going back. Ohh and I am celebrating Rosh Hashanah on September 28th so give me some Happy New Years around that date will ya?

I think right now I am caught up...more on my recent adventure to VA Beach later.

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